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DraftOrderInput Input Type

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input DraftOrderInput {
billingAddress: AddressInput
user: ID
userEmail: String
discount: PositiveDecimal
shippingAddress: AddressInput
shippingMethod: ID
voucher: ID
voucherCode: String
customerNote: String
channelId: ID
redirectUrl: String
externalReference: String
metadata: [MetadataInput!]
privateMetadata: [MetadataInput!]


DraftOrderInput.billingAddress ● AddressInput input miscellaneous

Billing address of the customer.

DraftOrderInput.user ● ID scalar miscellaneous

Customer associated with the draft order.

DraftOrderInput.userEmail ● String scalar miscellaneous

Email address of the customer. ● PositiveDecimal scalar miscellaneous

Discount amount for the order.

DEPRECATED: this field will be removed in Saleor 4.0. Providing a value for the field has no effect. Use orderDiscountAdd mutation instead.

DraftOrderInput.shippingAddress ● AddressInput input miscellaneous

Shipping address of the customer.

DraftOrderInput.shippingMethod ● ID scalar miscellaneous

ID of a selected shipping method.

DraftOrderInput.voucher ● ID scalar miscellaneous

ID of the voucher associated with the order.

DraftOrderInput.voucherCode ● String scalar miscellaneous

A code of the voucher associated with the order.

Added in Saleor 3.18

DraftOrderInput.customerNote ● String scalar miscellaneous

A note from a customer. Visible by customers in the order summary.

DraftOrderInput.channelId ● ID scalar miscellaneous

ID of the channel associated with the order.

DraftOrderInput.redirectUrl ● String scalar miscellaneous

URL of a view where users should be redirected to see the order details. URL in RFC 1808 format.

DraftOrderInput.externalReference ● String scalar miscellaneous

External ID of this order.

DraftOrderInput.metadata ● [MetadataInput!] list input miscellaneous

Order public metadata.

Added in Saleor 3.21 (unreleased)

DraftOrderInput.privateMetadata ● [MetadataInput!] list input miscellaneous

Order private metadata.

Added in Saleor 3.21 (unreleased)

Member Of

draftOrderUpdate mutation