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With 1.x.x release in app-sdk we added support for platforms other than Next.js (pages router). Apart of these features we introduced several breaking changes.

This article shows how to migrate your app from 0.x.x to 1.x.x version of app-sdk.

To install please run pnpm install @saleor/sdk@1

See additional changelog

New features

Added handlers for platform:

  • /handlers/aws-lambda
  • /handlers/fetch-api
  • /handlers/next
  • /handlers/next-app-router

Exported parseSchemaVersion from /util. It parses stringified schema version into a tuple [number, number]

Breaking changes

Compatibility changes​

From 1.x.x minimal (officially) supported Saleor version is 3.20

Minimal Next.js version is 14. It may work on older versions but it's not officially supported.

Schema version​

schemaVersion field that was available in Manifest factory and webhook handlers is now parsed into a tuple.


schemaVersion: number


type SchemaVersion = [major: number, minor: number]

schemaVersion: SchemaVersion

Now it's secure that 3.20 is not mixed with 3.2 due to a wrong format.

APLs export paths​

Now every APL is exported from a separate file. This allows tree-shaking - code will not be evaluated if it's not used.

// Before
import { FileApl, EnvApl } from '@saleor/app-sdk/APL';

// After
import { FileApl } from '@saleor/app-sdk/APL/file';
import { EnvApl } from '@saleor/app-sdk/APL/env';

Dropping domain field​

In AuthData we dropped domain field. Please use saleorApiUrl instead which contains full URL, not only domain

Additionally domain was removed from AppBridgeState. The saleorApiUrl field is also available there.

Moved headers export path​

Previously constant values representing headers were exported from /const path.

Now, /const doesn't exist anymore. All headers are exported from /headers path.

Renamed Nextjs handlers​

In v1 we added Next App Router. To make it clear what is used, we renamed old handlers:

// Before

import { type NextSyncWebhookHandler } from "@saleor/app-sdk/handlers/next";

// After
import { type NextJsSyncWebhookHandler } from "@saleor/app-sdk/handlers/next";

Removed verify-jwt path​

You can now import verifyJwt, getJwksUrlFromSaleorApiUrl, and verifySignatureWithJwks from @saleor/app-sdk/auth path.

Removed buildResponse​

ctx.buildResponse was removed from Webhook's context. Now to create a typed response from sync webhook, you can use buildSyncWebhookResponsePayload function.

import {buildSyncWebhookResponsePayload} from "@saleor/app-sdk/handlers/shared"

const typedResponse = buildSyncWebhookResponsePayload<"CHECKOUT_CALCULATE_TAXES">({/* Input will be typed here */})

Other changes​

  • SyncWebhookResponsesMap is now exported from @saleor/app-sdk/handlers/shared
  • asyncEvent field from SaleorAsyncWebhook class constructor was removed. Use event instead.
  • requiredEnvVars parameter no longer is accepted in SaleorApp constructor. Please manually validate env variables on the app level. Saleor team recommends T3 Env
  • Removed all exports from /middlewares. Use utilities from /handlers instead.
  • Removed processSaleorWebhook and processProtectedHandler. Use ./handlers instead.
  • AppBridge now uses Crypto API built-in modern browsers. This requires localhost or https to work.
  • When creating MetadataManager, deleteMetadata callback is now required.