Saleor Webhook Utilities
Apps are usually connected via webhooks - one service sends an HTTP request to another service, informing about some event or requesting some action to be performed.
To inform your App about events originating from Saleor, you need to expose a webhook handler, which Saleor will call with a POST request.
The App SDK provides a utility that abstracts connection details and auth, allowing developers to focus on a business logic.
Depending on the type of the webhook, you can choose one of the classes:
Platforms support​
app-sdk provides support for multiple platforms. To import specific platform, ensure that you are using the correct import path, for example:
- For AWS Lambda
import { SaleorAsyncWebhook } from "@saleor/app-sdk/handlers/aws-lambda";
- For NextJS App Router
import { SaleorAsyncWebhook } from "@saleor/app-sdk/handlers/next-app-router";
Common configuration​
Both SaleorSyncWebhook
and SaleorAsyncWebhook
contain a similar API with few differences.
Constructing Webhook instance​
Example for NextJS pages router:
In Next.js pages
directory, create a page, e.g., pages/api/webhooks/order-created.ts
. We recommend keeping the webhook type in the file name, which Next.js will resolve to route the path.
import { SaleorAsyncWebhook } from "@saleor/app-sdk/handlers/next";
* Default body parser must be turned off - the raw body is needed to verify the signature
export const config = {
api: {
bodyParser: false,
* To be type-safe, define payload from API. This should be imported from generated GraphQL code
type OrderPayload = {
id: string;
export const orderCreatedWebhook = new SaleorAsyncWebhook<OrderPayload>(
// See below
For SaleorSyncWebhook
, it will be similar. Create e.g., order-calculate-taxes.ts
page and create a new instance:
import { SaleorSyncWebhook } from "@saleor/app-sdk/handlers/next";
* Default body parser must be turned off - the raw body is needed to verify the signature
export const config = {
api: {
bodyParser: false,
* To be type-safe, define payload from API. This should be imported from generated GraphQL code
type CalculateTaxedPayload = {
// taxes payload from subscription
export const orderCalculateTaxesWebhook = new SaleorSyncWebhook<OrderPayload>(
// See below
Configuring Webhook instance​
in the constructor must be specified. Here are all options:
type Options = {
* Additional webhook name, optional.
name?: string;
* Path to webhook. It should represent a relative path from the base app URL. In Next.js, it will start with `api/`, e.g. `api/webhooks/order-created`.
webhookPath: string;
* Valid Async or Sync webhook. Constructor is statically typed, so only valid Sync/Async webhooks will be allowed
event: Event;
* Should event be active after installation, enabled by default
isActive?: boolean;
* APL instance - see docs/apl/md
apl: APL;
* Optional callback that allows to inject custom error handling and take control of the response
error: WebhookError | Error,
req: NextApiRequest,
res: NextApiResponse
): void;
* Optional callback that allows formatting error messages. Useful to control how many details should be returned in the response
error: WebhookError | Error,
req: NextApiRequest,
res: NextApiResponse
): Promise<{
code: number;
body: object | string;
* Required subscription query. Can be raw GraphQL string or the instance of query wrapped in `gql` tags
query: string | ASTNode;
Configuration examples​
SaleorAsyncWebhook configuration example​
// pages/api/webhooks/order-created.ts
* To be type-safe, define payload from API. This should be imported from generated GraphQL code
type OrderPayload = {
id: string;
* Default body parser must be turned off - the raw body is needed to verify the signature
export const config = {
api: {
bodyParser: false,
export const orderCreatedWebhook = new SaleorAsyncWebhook<OrderPayload>({
name: "Order Created",
webhookPath: "api/webhooks/order-created",
isActive: true,
apl: require("../lib/apl"),
query: `
subscription {
event {
... on OrderCreated {
order {
onError(error: WebhookError | Error) {
// Can be used to e.g. trace errors
async formatErrorResponse(
error: WebhookError | Error,
req: NextApiRequest,
res: NextApiResponse
) {
return {
code: 400,
body: "My custom response",
SyncAsyncWebhook configuration example​
// pages/api/webhooks/order-created.ts
* To be type-safe, define payload from API. This should be imported from generated GraphQL code
type Payload = {
taxBase: {
currency: string;
* Default body parser must be turned off - the raw body is needed to verify the signature
export const config = {
api: {
bodyParser: false,
export const orderCalculateTaxesWebhook = new SaleorAsyncWebhook<Payload>({
name: "Order Calculate Taxes",
webhookPath: "api/webhooks/order-created",
isActive: true,
apl: require("../lib/apl"),
query: `
subscription {
event {
... on CalculateTaxes {
taxBase {
onError(error: WebhookError | Error) {
async formatErrorResponse(
error: WebhookError | Error,
req: NextApiRequest,
res: NextApiResponse
) {
return {
code: 400,
body: "My custom response",
- Check available events here
- Read more about APLs
- Subscription query documentation
Extending app manifest​
Webhooks are created in Saleor when the App is installed. Saleor uses AppManifest to get information about webhooks to create.
& SaleorAsyncWebhook
utility can generate this manifest:
// pages/api/manifest
import { createManifestHandler } from "@saleor/app-sdk/handlers/next";
import { orderCreatedWebhook } from "./order-created.ts";
export default createManifestHandler({
manifestFactory({ appBaseUrl }) {
return {
* Add one or more webhook manifests.
webhooks: [orderCreatedWebhook.getWebhookManifest(appBaseUrl)],
// of your App's manifest
Now, try to read your manifest. In the default Next.js config, it will be GET localhost:3000/api/manifest
. You should see the webhook configuration as part of the manifest response.
Creating webhook domain logic​
Now, let's create a handler that will process webhook data. Let's go back to the handler file pages/api/webhooks/order-created.ts
type OrderPayload = {
id: string;
export const orderCreatedWebhook = new SaleorAsyncWebhook<OrderPayload>({
// ... your configuration
* Handler has to be a default export so the Next.js will be able to use it
export default orderCreatedWebhook.createHandler((req, res, context) => {
const { baseUrl, event, payload, authData } = context;
console.log(; // type is inferred
// Perform some domain logic
// End with status 200
return res.status(200).end();
Typed sync webhook response​
Sync webhooks need to return a response to Saleor so that the operation can be completed. To help with that, SDK exposes a helper function that will ensure type safety
import { buildSyncWebhookResponsePayload } from "@saleor/app-sdk/handlers/shared";
const webhook = new SaleorAsyncWebhook({
// ... config
webhook.createHandler((req, res, context) => {
return res.status(200).send(
lines: [
// ... Everything is typed here
// ...
query vs subscriptionQueryAst​
Subscription query can be specified using plain string or as an ASTNode
object created by gql
If your project does not use any code generation for GraphQL operations, use the string. In case you are using GraphQL Code Generator, which we highly recommend, you should pass a subscription as GraphQL ASTNode:
* Subscription query, you can define it in the `.ts` file. If you write operations in separate `.graphql` files, codegen will also export them in the generated file.
export const ExampleProductUpdatedSubscription = gql`
subscription ExampleProductUpdated {
event {
ProductUpdated {
product {
export const productUpdatedWebhook =
new SaleorAsyncWebhook<ProductUpdatedWebhookPayloadFragment>({
name: "Example product updated webhook",
webhookPath: "api/webhooks/saleor/product-updated",
apl: saleorApp.apl,
query: ExampleProductUpdatedSubscription, // Or use plain string
Saleor schema version inside context​
For convenience App SDK provides Saleor Schema version ([major: number, minor: number]
) in the context. However, the source of this field comes from the subscription payload - it must be defined in the subscription query.
export default orderCreatedWebhook.createHandler((req, res, context) => {
const { schemaVersion } = context;
// End with status 200
return res.status(200).end();
This field can be used to enable some feature based on the Saleor version. Before you use it make sure that your subscription have version
field defined. If not schemaVersion
will be null
subscription {
event {
+ version
... on CalculateTaxes {
taxBase {